About Us



About Musiad

MUSIAD (Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association), founded in Turkey in 1990, is an independent, non-political, non-profit businessmen’s association with over 11,000 members, representing 46,000 companies and 1,600,000 people in labour force. MUSIAD reaches its members and businessmen through its 86 branch offices in Turkey, as well as 168 liaison offices in 65 countries all over the world.

MUSIAD Belgium is established in 2017 to improve the relationship between Turkey and Belgium in trade, politics, socio-cultural and economics. MUSIAD Belgium aims to organise business trips, B2B events, educational programmes, conferences, seminars and lobbying for benefits of two side to help and improve relationship between Turkey and Belgium, as well as flourish more businesses for its members.

Our Mission

  • To increase the number of members sharing common values and principles, to develop solidarity among our members and to contribute to spiritual and material development of our country with the spirit of unity we have a showing within the organization, while being an independent and non-aligned businessmen’s association on domestic and international scale.
  • To organise business meetings, conferences, seminars, and business trips both in Belgium and Turkey with a view of exchanging information and knowledge

  • To produce steady and useful projects, taking into consideration the resources of the country and the needs of humanity; to fulfil our share of duty in the implementation of such projects.

  • To work toward assisting our country with its development process in attaining the level of developed countries, and to conduct activities to create a competitive economic environment within this context

  • To assist our members in expanding their businesses, and to ensure the information flow that will enhance their competitive power in the domestic and international market and maintain their development trend within this context.

  • To pioneer realization of production that will be effective on global scale, by bringing the financer, producer and the project owner together.

Our Vision

The vision of MUSIAD Belgium is to improve relationships between Turkey and Belgium in trade, politics, socio-culture, and economics. To accomplish its mission, MÜSİAD Belgium organizes business trips, conferences, and seminars in the United States. To accopmlish its mission, MUSIAD Belgium organizes business trips, B2B events, educational programmes, conferences, seminars.